Ho hum, so another week has gone by without anything that eventful of which to speak. The best news of the week is that my workmate gave me his spare space heater (yes, thrilling, I know). Work is work. I spent a long Saturday morning hanging out on Google+ with my favorite blonde curlycue, the tannest man in Vancouver and my dearest Kittylady, after which Katy and I spent a sunshiny day trolling the streets Fitzroy where I finally got the eggs benedict that I've been craving ever since I tried them in Miami with an adorable Kiwi last year.
On Tuesday Mirella left so now we're back to three here in this little drafty (yet well heated ;-) house. We threw her a little going away dinner on Monday night that was a swanky affair, to say the least. Maria made a delicious empanada gallega, we had delectable quiche, and adorable little mashed sweet potatoes served in the halved oranges. It was a great night to say the least, but the house is noticeably quieter without Mirella's laugh hanging in the air. I miss that little Frenchy.
In other news, a little bird told me recently that Marcy and some Vancouverites we thinking about join the party down under. I figured I'd take advantage of this little soap box I am standing on to put forth my official opinion. You guys should cooooooooooooooooommmmmmmmmmmmmeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
That is all...now onto to random photos of my life.
Lunch in St Kilda with my main ladies last Sunday. |
om nom nom, a muffin and a macchiato |
Maria and those orangey sweet potatoes |
Bye Mirella! We miss you. (if you look closely they wrote a little message in the pastry) |
Haha, screen shot! |
It was sooooo good. |
My best attempt to throw up a gang sign...nice one |
The most adorable couple I know, Daniela and Jason. |
My favorite Spanish ladies |
ftw baby. IM GONNA DO IT!!! (i think)
ReplyDeleteawwwww i miss you guys too!!
ReplyDeletei look like such a 50s housewife in that picture of me holding the empanada....
and your way of saying i'm loud is very cute :)
glad that a bit of peace has settled into your little household.