Monday, June 6, 2011

Down Undah: The Aussie Adventure Begins

I arrived in Darwin on Friday, June 3rd to be greeted by my extremely friendly and generous couch surfing host, Frank.

Just in case you're not up do date on your Australian geography :-)

Darwin is a beautiful place and as it is the dry season/winter here the weather is absolutely perfect.  It's like Florida in January...dry, sunny, clear skies, and always flip flop weather.  Frank showed us some of that famed Aussie hospitality and took me and the other two girls who are surfing at this place out on his fishing boat.  We cruised around the harbor, took a dip in the chilly seas with a chilly beer, checked out the croc traps (which are GIGANTIC and terrifying ), did a bit of wakeboarding, and watched the sunset  just off the shore of Mendel Beach.

Controlled burns viewed from Darwin Harbor

Breaking out the polo eggbeater skills to sip beers in the salty waters of the Northern Australia...Thanks Gaffey and Damon 

Anne and Bernadette, my German couch surfing mates 

Frank went for a quick ride as the sun fell low in the sky

Me and Captain Frank, heading to the Mendel Beach Markets for dinner

Anne taking a dip at sunset
Now it's off to Melbourne to look for work and settle in for a few weeks/months.

1 comment:

  1. Andrea! Your blog is awesome! These adventures are amazing, can't wait to see more!
